:::   immersions :::

for personal growth & practitioner training

“There is one way of breathing that is constricted.

Then, there's another way: a breath of love

that lets you open infinitely.” Rumi

Radical Embodied Breathwork

[radical - what’s that about ? read more here]

Immerse yourself in embodiment, your life and YOU.
Nourish your body-mind relationship.
Embody a real sense of your own aliveness.

At this time on the planet the old ways are no longer working the way they did, life is not predictable in the way it was, for many even our experience of time has shifted.
For us as individuals, the strategies and beliefs that got us to today are not the ones we are going to need to bring ourselves in to a bright new NOW.
You are quite possibly already aware that the way you are living is not working for you any more. This can show up as feelings of frustration, being out of place, life falling apart, deep fatigue, confusion, things simply feeling ‘wrong’ or out-of-sorts, and much much more.
Radical Embodied Breathwork is an opportunity to change all this. To leave the past, to breathe & ground in the present and open yourself up to the opportunities that life has on offer for you.

Join Brie & Natalie in the paradise of The Palms to re-member connection & liberate that old stagnant ‘stuff’.
Come home to the loving being that you are.

You are invited to join the Radical Embodied Breathwork Immersion & Training, an experience via three 4-day (non-residential) immersions into radical embodied breathwork - the meeting point between embodiment and living in connection, a pathway to radically shifting yourself and your life.

Enjoy dedicated time nourishing you in a blissful environment. Uncover and discover what drives you in life - what holds you back, what pushes you forward, what you are creating and what you are looking for. Empower yourself for self healing, integration of the past, clarity and change - right where You need it.

This programme is designed to support you in going deeply into you - who you are, how you are ‘operating’, the desires in your heart and true connection that is founded in love, rather than fear.

Choose whether you join us for the deep personal growth that this programme offers, or go a step further and expand into practitioner training; in each case, this programme supports you to make radical shifts exactly where you need them, guided by your innate wisdom.

There are no ideologies to ascribe to, no beliefs that you must take on.

Through a foundation of moving from our heads into our bodies (embodiment), and the incredible tool of connected breathwork (founded in Rebirthing Breathwork) this programme is about breathing and living beyond the usually fear & shame based conditioning that we all live subject to; until we don’t any more.

About Briellen & Natalie

Who are we? We are Nat and Brie, or Brie & Nat, or NatBrie as sometimes fused by the very young.
We have lived, loved and worked together for over 15 years now, and have fused our knowledge, experience and visions/dreaming multiple times to create a rich tapestry of knowledge sharing and experiential courses.

This fusion began with Good Vibes (a deep dive into emotional expression through sound & voice) and since then we have co-created multiple workshops & courses - all inevitably coming back to Love and Connection .
Even root cause resolution for gut health comes back eventually this basic, fundamental human essence: Love.

This programme is the meeting point of all that we have imbued - from deep personal experiences, through client work, to teaching, raising our dogs and dairy goats, and caring for the land - it all comes back to LOVE and we look forward to sharing this with you for your own expansion and freedom.

About the Location

To further support you, have selected our new home with great love, care and connection to nature. Our intention is for it to be a home for building real connection to life, nature, ourselves and each other.
We are on a beautiful 24 acre parcel of land at the end of a cul-de-sac, this home encompassing private and secluded natural bush land with native trees and enormous grounding rocks, open pasture and farmland, the Mary River wrapping around us, and expansive views down the Mary Valley. There is a view and a ‘nook’ to support our many moods, desires and needs.

Together this creates a serene place for us all to come home to ourselves, and to nature herself, for our grounding, healing and expansion in a safe and supported way.

This is an opportunity for you to build and strengthen your connection to yourself, your loved ones, your clients, our planet and LOVE.

It’s all about love really, and how we have become wired to give and receive it - or not.

This programme uncovers for you the intimate relationship between birth, breath, energy and feeling in your own being and life. You will see the ripples of these patterns & shifts across the lives of those that you share your life with - loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, clients.

You will get to know your breath intimately, connect sensitively with your body and develop understanding of your formative patterning (your ‘birth script’) through experience as well as knowledge sharing.

Together this will bring you into a deeper, clearer relationship with your Self, and a lived experience of inner freedom that is essentially for you and by you - the life that is waiting for you.
All arising naturally as you release and integrate your past. There is a simultaneous softness and a sharp clarity to this process.

This is RADICAL LIVING, opening you to your own true capacities - a life of love, freedom and personal autonomy.

Level 1 Immersion & Training DATES | 2024

We are restructuring the programme to better accommodate you and the experience that we are offering for your growth. We will gather and connect over three 4-day weekends, so you get to immerse over a longer period for deeper integration, healing and learning.

Session 1 | July 12-15
+ 3 Aug Connect & Breathe* (10am-2pm, online or in person)

Session 2 | August 23-25
+ Sept 14 Connect & Breathe* (10am-2pm, online or in person)

Session 3 | October 4-7

*Connect & Breathe sessions are optional for those joining for personal development and required for those engaged in practitioner training with us. They provide an opportunity to breathe, ask questions, share experiences and support each other.

This immersion and training programme is comprised of the three sessions (as outlined above) exploring the foundations of Embodiment, Rebirthing Breathwork and Radical Living.

It is both a deep personal development for those looking for a deep dive into themselves and the breath, and Level 1 practitioner training for those looking to become professional Breathworkers (with additional requirements being met).

You will experience:
- rebirthing breathwork sessions most days including group sessions, one-on-one sessions, sessions holding space for others as they breathe and water rebirthing

- learn about breathing physiology, breath & psychology, new breath paradigms

- learn about your nervous system, polyvagal theory, and how they connect with brain development, and developmental stages,

- explore primal (formative) patterns, pre, post-natal and early developmental impacts on your breath, body & psyche

- build greater resilience in your own body & nervous system
- learn about the energy systems of the body - including fascia, the electric body and quantum biology

- explore your emotional body, and how emotions and our organs are inextricably linked

- practice embodiment and experience the language of your own body

- encounter new aspects of awareness, responsibility and transmutation ( or letting go)

- learn about birth types, conditions of birth, behavioural patterns and the persona/ego

- learn about and integrate birth and relational trauma

and much much more

Most importantly, you will learn about You.

You will experience ‘YOU” more than you ever haveand this is your point of power.

Get to know more deeply how you operate, why you operate the way you do, and how to liberate yourself from your past and your own subconscious tendencies.

Especially the ones you don’t know about, particularly the stubborn ones.

Free yourself: open to your personal truth and a deeper sense of being alive.

Practitioner training

If you are interested in the Practitioner track please get in touch directly with Brie for more information -

Immersion Fees*

Places are limited to ensure quality of experience for all (minimum numbers are required to run).

To book, get in touch via the link below (orange button) and we will send booking links and info through, you can also ask any questions that you may have.

If we have not worked together before we will connect for a chat first so please provide your best contact and suitable times. We will also organise a 1:1 breathwork session (required prior to the training for people new to us).

Immersion Fees

Included: 12 days ( 3 x 4 day sessions) of radically shifting experience, personal growth and training in the art of Radical Embodied Breathwork

EARLYBIRD - paid in full by June 15


Paid in Full Prior to programme commencement
(with $1000 booking deposit, required to hold your place)


TRAINING TRACK - this track has additional fees that are not required up front (e.g. mentoring fees, completing 10 x 1:1 sessions if not already done). These will be incurred at the time of use. 1:1 sessions can commence prior to the training for example, and are paid as you go. Mentoring will occur as you begin working with people, and mentoring hours are purchased as you go. Get in touch for more info.

SHARING REWARDS - if you are recommending others to the programme that sign up, you can earn 10% credit towards future programmes, training fees, private sessions with us. Talk to Brie or Nat if you would like to know more about this.

Please note this programme is non-residential.
There may be limited camping places available on site - this is currently under review.

Accommodation can easily be found locally (camping, Air BnB etc), and if you love the Sunshine Coast, Pomona for example is only 40 minutes away.

Want more information??
Get in touch with your questions -
email to enquire.

heal trauma and behavioural patterns that hold you back
integrate embodied memory for deep healing
connect to your intuition, build self-trust
awaken to your innate self healing capacities
liberate yourself - step into self leadership, and leadership in life