about me...Briellen McAlpine
Brie, for short.
breather. mover. creator. lover of life. nature lover. farmer(yes!). maker. dreamer.
and a bit of a rebel, in my own way. I don’t always colour between the lines. I make my own.
I am a dedicated breathworker, mover, and explorer of what embodiment is with a passion for supporting and creating more love in our world.
I am also very much a creator of stuff (my favourite technical term - think cooking, knitting, sewing, farm structures), lover of our blue planet, star gazer, dreamer, farmer, dog lover and nature spirit.
I care deeply about making choices that support a better world for all of us - that means I care about You.
The connectedness of things is something I love to explore, experience and cultivate along with colour, form and new words.
For over 20 years now I have been uplifting and supporting people - and my gorgeous animals. Initially with yoga & meditation, energy work (such as reiki, shamanic practice) and other subtle spiritual techniques - these days it’s rebirthing & conscious breathwork, connecting to Nature and our own source connection.
My experience includes having shared 1000’s of yoga and meditation classes to people of all ages in group, corporate and private settings, as well as at Festivals, retreats and the family Christmas party.
[ I surpassed 800 hours of teaching in my first 2 years, and I am now beyond 20 years of teaching ]
From my beginnings with Reiki (over 25 years ago) I moved into Hatha-Vinayasa teaching, quickly followed by kids yoga (through the Radiant Child Yoga Program/RCYP) and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation.
Like most things in life I have continued to grow and develop what I use, practice and share which has led to my current offerings of embodied breath and movement - we don’t need to escape ourselves, we need to love our selves - each of us is an incredible multiverse of possibility and as we move into new evolutions, relying on the past can hold us back… so onwards and upwards we go
Regardless of the technique or path I am exploring, seeking depth, meaning and love is my constant.
I’m not happy to settle for magical thinking (tempting as it may be) or group speak (I could have had a regular job if I wanted to simply follow), and support you as well as myself to question. Everything. Every Thing and no-thing.
I now teach and practice from the wealth of my experience, which as an avid seeker, learner and most importantly creative experience-r is an ever unfolding revelation….. that can sound a bit wanky, but its a god description. And no, Im not afraid to swear.
My Yoga is not just asana or posture work – yoga means balance, and so my searching, healing and teaching work, is all about the exploration of balance and the journey home toward our natural state.
In RCYP and Kundalini Yoga, I trained to the level of teacher trainer, training hundreds of Kids Yoga Teachers through my Brisbane yoga studio (Spirit Rising Yoga, 2006-2013), and two groups of Kundalini Yoga Teachers.
In 2010 things began to diversify for me, when I began exploring shamanic practice, immersing in more subtle realms which lead me to the Breath. In 2017 I ‘met’ Rebirthing Breathwork, although I had been practising conscious breathign through yoga for manyyears, this was and is a whole new breath. I undertook Conscious Breathwork Practitioner & Conscious Leader trainings (2018), and completed my training as Rebirthign Breathwork Trainer in 2023 when I co-led my first training in the First Breath lineage.
The breath is a profound healing tool - a bridge, a lynchpin, a connector and an ‘unraveller’ like no other. This conscious connected breathwork has brings me constantly and more confidently into my own self, and with it true freedom and heart connection with myself, others and the world..
how did I get here?
Yoga first entered my life when I was a child through a funny little book that my sister and I found on the bookshelf. This book had us and our little brother comparing Lotus poses and Uddiyana bhandas (or as we called it - tummy sucking) throughout out childhood.
After that came a painful, dramatic, and emotion driven teenage-hood (nothing unusual there!) that drove me deeper inside and spat me out into the world at large - which has not always been a comfortable place for me. Through Rebirthing Breathwork I am making the inner shifts that are changing that story for the better.
A triple Pisces with a Sagittarius ascendant, I have always had a habit of feeling deeply and envisioning better worlds all at the same time. Staying with the so called harshness of reality is not somewhere I liked to hang out – which is probably why I was often told I was “too off with the faeries”.
The status quo is not my jive, and despite an honours degree in Fashion and Textile Design, being fashionable doesn’t cut it for me either, I am just not that mainstream – and I probably made your eye pillow and my yoga pants.
Thankfully, these days I am able to open to the difficulties of life, supported by my breathwork and healing practices, which allows me to also encounter the simple bliss of being Alive.
Our greatest tool, our essential tools in this life here are our human body, and our Breath.
Learning to be in my body is my daily adventure, accepting the world and ourselves as we are can be challenging in these (radical? crazy? stressed out?) times.
And so: Breathwork. Embodiment. not-exactly-Yoga.
Coming home to you. Bringing your Self to life.
My purpose here is to share the fruits of this journey with you, to help you to embody your spirit, and inspire your life from your heart and soul. To live your essence, to come to know what it is to live both your spirit and your humanity; with tools to light the path, techniques to find the way and connections that support you to be all that you are.
my path is at once eclectic and authentic…
Today, I consider my teaching to be a healing path, and my healing path to be that of a teacher.
In my searching and exploring I am always reaching for the deepest truth, along with the best ways to keep that information and experience relevant to our experiences and challenges here in today's world.
I am adept at blending the old and the new, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, and identifying the patterns that run our lives.
I offer a space for you to explore your inner and outer worlds that is safe, authentic and considered.
I run fast from the latest fad (that fashion design training means I smell one a mile off) and as much as part of me would like the magic pill just as much as the next person, I know it’s never a quick fix, so let’s go for real, and lets’do the work together.
The longer I am ‘here’, the more I experience for myself and my clients that attention and presence are essential, and the time required is as individual as each of us.
That said, I am always curious about new (to me at least) techniques that are steeped in authenticity, have integrity and real potential for impact.
As a teacher, healer and guide, my role is to support you in your own experience, to support you to empower yourself in your body, your mind and your spirit. Dogma is gently left behind, as we learn to use our intuition, to access the deep knowing in our body, in our cells and the language of our souls.
All that you need is within you. Techniques, and shared experiences are the keys to unlock and reveal your own deeper realities and the simple magic that is life.
These days, when I am not actively engaged in working with clients you might find me immersed in practise, knitting away, sewing up a storm or immersed in a (very deep) pile of animals - currently goats and chickens.
It’s a busy life, that has me crossing the realities on a moment by moment basis, drinking of the bliss while I 'shovel the shit' and engage in the joy, effort and ease that is this life.
breathe. be love, be loved.
“Out beyond ideas of right and wrong doing
there is a field.
I will meet you there”
interested in certifications??
Professional Member: Australian Breathwork Association
Professional Member: IBF ( International Breathwork Foundation)
Fully Insured for Breathwork, Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Energy Healing
First Breath Rebirthing Breathwork Leader + Trainer (under Georgia Hovey)
completed 2023Conscious Connected Breathwork/ Rebirthing with Kerry Henwood & Georgia Hovey (2017-2023)
Conscious Leadership Training with Kerry Henwood & Georgia Hovey (2018-2023)
Language of Light & Tibetan Pulsing -Kerry Henwood 2016.
Shamanic Practice training Kerry Henwood 2010-2017
Reiki Levels 1,2 & 3 | Usui, Seichem & Karuna lineages 1996-1999
Sat Nam Rasayan 2012.
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation - KRI Certified Level 1 (2004, New Mexico ) & 2 (2005 (Thailand) + 2006 (LA)),
Aquarian Academy Teacher Trainer 2008-10
Tantric Numerology 2010
Chakra Meridian Healing 2006, 2008 & 2009.
Certified Facilitator RCYP under Shakta Kaur Khalsa, 2006 (prev)
Hatha Vinyasa Yoga 200 hr - Katie Manistas (Rose) 2004
Pre & Postnatal - Katie Manistas (Rose) (2004)
RCYP (Radiant Child Yoga Program) Levels 1-3 (2003, 2005)
Bachelor of Design (Fashion & Textiles, Hons.) UTS, 1994