:::   BREATHE - radically well :::

the way you are breathing is the way you are living

10 May 2025

Maleny Yoga Shed

>> $150 SUPER earlybird until April 1st <<

learn about & EXPERIENCE RADICAL EMBODIED breathwork
our evolution of Rebirthing Breathwork
This is a form of Conscious Connected Breathwork that includes embodiment/presence, self healing, birth history and trauma integration via your breath, to invite you into new possibilities of being and living.

We call it ‘radical’ in the root sense of the word, as in arising from the root/base/beginning, as well as pointing to simplicity, going beyond the expected (beyond norms and trends), and opening up to radically different potentials, which is only possible when we leave the old behind. Including the known, and how we breathe.

explore myths and benefits of the ways we breathe in daily life - what is a ‘good’ breath?
explore the difference between functional breathing & breathing for self-healing

Are you aware of the connections between how you were born,
how you breathe and how you live?
learn about how changing the way you breathe
is a powerful tool for creating real change in your life
uncover how birth, childhood and trauma impact your breathing & your life

This 4 hour workshop explores the power and purpose of RADICAL EMBODIED BREATHWORK , along with this incredible process called ‘breathing’, that we all do, all day, everyday.

Did you know that the way you are breathing can hinder or support every aspect of our health and life?

From your state of mind, to your blood pressure, to how you experience other people & the world, and everything in between - and yet it is so misunderstood, as are we.

Exploring your breath and how you breathe is an incredible opportunity to learn more about yourself, how you operate, your defaults, your true strengths and in fact pretty much everything ‘you’ .

Rebirthing Breathwork itself is breathing technique that uses a connected breath pattern to help you resolve and release stuck energy, trauma imprints and belief patterns that hold you back in life, freeing you up to feel and experience more ‘You’.

Easy and accessible this practice is as restorative as it is energising. You will leave this workshop feeling revitalised in literally every cell, like you have shed years of emotional ‘weight’.

This workshop is aimed at people who have not yet practised Rebirthing Breathwork,
AND those who would like to dive deeper into the hows and why’s of the practice.

You begin by freeing up your breath to free up your energy (prana or life force)

- did you know that most of us, even yoga practitioners and athletes, over breathe??

This we see reflected in our overly busy lives, high stress and low energy levels, and below par health.

As you progress, you will begin to gently shifting your habitual breathing patterns, having the effect of changing your thinking and feeling habits - including the psycho-emotional habits and deep programming behind them, so that the change you are creating for yourself is ‘real’ embodied change, not just wishful thinking or a quick gain that is just as easily lost.

This will give you more access to ‘who you are’ while you embark on this profound journey of self healing.

Expect to feel more grounded and embodied, more resilient, and better able to express yourself in the world allowing you to live your life more openly, with the weight of the past shifted.

We will look at the relationships between breath and neuroscience ( how your brain is wired and working), how your breath and trauma inter-relate along with the healing potential that gives us. We will look at birth ‘types and patterns’, along with how they can impact our lives...as well as joining a full Connected Rebirthing Breath practice.

This will be a small workshop (max 8), and paid bookings are required to secure your place.

*IF YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO BE VACCINATED: in-person attendance at sessions & workshops is subject to a 30-day waiting period, post receiving a CV19 vax/booster. Contact me via phone or email if you have any questions.

Note: vaccination is NOT REQUIRED

10 May 2025 10am-2pm
Maleny Yoga Shed

WHEN: Saturday 10 May , 10am-2pm

- bring a packed lunch!

WHERE: Maleny Yoga Shed - address provided on booking

Cost: $180 on the day (space permitting, we are usually fully booked)
$150 SUPER earlybird until April 1st

All payments are final. Refunds or credit (your choice) are provided if we are not able to run the workshop for any reason.

prefer bank transfer?
you can PayID to: brie@briellenmcalpine.com
or email me for the BSB & account number

In these challenging times, we really need to breathe!

Reasons we need to breathe now more than ever:

- Healthy breathing is one of the best things you can do for your immune system

- breathwork reduces your stress levels - another go to for a robust immune system

- breathwork can helps us process and integrate our emotions as our lives are turned inside out

- breathwork helps us live beyond fear - our world right now is both generating and triggering a lot of fear, and when we are in fear our thinking mind is effectively offline - breathwork helps get us back online

- breathwork helps us find clarity, navigate change and supports us in overwhelm

- breathwork helps to tone and balance your nervous system, this increases health, wellbeing and resilience

- maintaining connections and practices we use in ‘normal’ helps to ground us as the things we ‘know’ are taken away

Your vehicle for this journey is your breath - your natural breath.

By engaging in connected conscious breathwork you have the capacity to release old patterns from your mental, energetic and emotional bodies. This means new neural pathways and a reset mind that is more supportive of your life goals, along with increasing emotional integration and intelligence.

[ check the blog for other writings on breathwork ]

In my own journey with this form of Breathwork (developed by Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray) one of the most valuable and healing aspects has been realising how we are truely more same than different.

Our fears, our self doubt, the many ways in which we believe - or have been taught - that we are somehow ’wrong’ or need to be ‘better’, these are things that we all carry in very similar if not the same forms.

Breathing together, we support each other in embracing and addressing these fears and beliefs, and more.

From there we are able to come into the experience that no matter what we feel, we are not alone and there is love, acceptance and compassion available to us all.

This is deep real work that asks for your full presence, and gifts you your Self.

Join our small, friendly groups and soften into more of who you are.

By engaging in connected conscious breathing you have the capacity to release old patterns from your mind and emotional body - that means new neural pathways and a reset mind that is more supportive of your life goals.

Even more than meeting goals, Rebirthing Breathwork supports you in clearing inner blocks and outdated protection systems, and this opens you to experiencing MORE LOVE.

[ check the blog for other writings on breathwork ]

[ Interested in Personal Breathwork Sessions? CLICK HERE ]


BRING:  a packed lunch
- 2 blankets, your own yoga mat if you have one, a small pillow and some extra layers (socks) in the cooler months, water, pen and notebook + reading glasses if you need them!
Yoga mats - if you have a thicker mat and would like to use that for extra comfort, be my guest!
I have a limited amount of yoga mats, blankets & cushions available if you don’t have your own -let me know if you need to use ours so we can make sure everyone is supported).

WEAR: loose comfortable clothing that is suitable for simple movement as well as non-restrictive for breathing. During your ‘breathe’ you will want to remove watches, jewellery, belts etc, and leave your phone and other ‘smart’ devices in the car - or even better, at home!

FOOD/DRINK: Avoid stimulants on the day of the session (e.g preferably no coffee, especially if it is a morning session). It is also recommended not to eat a heavy meal in the 2 hours prior to your session.
Rest assured this not because of religious beliefs or similar - this is simply about supporting yourself to have the best experience possible.
We will be working with the experiences of being and feeling in your body, stimulants or excessively heavy meals can make it more difficult to really get in touch with what is going on in your body and mind.


Address details will be provided on booking.

other information

How long are group sessions??      This group session is approximately 4 hours of immersion, practice, contemplation and relaxation.
Along with tea and a delicious (healthy but you wont believe it) snack to complete.

You will receive tools and practices to support you after the workshop and further your integration, and we will have time to connect and discuss in the group setting - you choose how much you participate at that level, firstly you are here for you. Then, as we feel safe we open to the group, and collective - for as with all healing work, the impacts go beyond just You.

How often do you run these sessions??  We offer group sessions on a regular basis, and you can combine these with private sessions for a truely deep journey.

Radical Embodied Breathwork

Let’s skip the fluff & new age waffle, even the bravado, bio-hacking and hustle - it’s time for real grounded breathing that will get you gently into your body, along with self acceptance that heals.

Get ready to reset your breath so you can unravel old stories, release old ties and start to really live beyond your ‘triggers’.

This is living with an open heart.
Connected. Conscious. Awake and here in this world in your body as you.

The practice of Radical Embodied Breathwork is not for escaping or reaching some lofty state of enlightenment (which is more about escape than anything else)- this is about living your real life with depth, connection and deep joy.

This is a process of grounding you in your body, and supporting yourself to live your gentle powerful potential, honestly, as you.

* heal trauma and behavioural patterns that hold you back
* resolve and recover from upheaval and stress in al areas of your life
* clear your cellular memory for deep healing
* connect to your intuition, embodying a sense of inner knowing and self-trust
* awaken to your innate self healing capacities
:: liberate yourself, reconnect to your personal power & step into self leadership ::

brie industrial.jpg

Working with me, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Integrity is of the utmost importance to me, and this work, time you spend with me is for you - about you, to support you, beginning by listening to you.

A Certified Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner and Trainer, I also bring over 20 years of experience teaching & studying yoga & meditation to each session, along with over 30 years of self discovery and personal growth work.
More recently, along with my partner Natalie Fitzpatrick we have evolved or perhaps birthed Radical Embodied Breathwork, bringing rebirthing into the particular needs of the current times.

I love sharing my learning and explorations with you in a safe, inclusive, fun way.

The space I hold is gentle and strong, deeply intuitive, sensitive, with a touch of something extra - and all that while we keep it incredibly practical - because if it doesn't help you to live in the world better, I am not doing my job... simple.

We are here, it is the only place we can be, and my aim is to make the most of it in body, mind and spirit: grounded, expanded, radiant and awake.

Please contact me with any questions that you may have - CLICK HERE

[  connect. breathe. be ]