What this is not about: healing is not me fixing you.
Healing is not even about being fixed.
Rather, the process of healing is best understood as your journey towards wholeness, discovering, opening to and accepting what is. Connecting with grace and your own innate self.
Healing is a place where we come together to explore and uncover imbalances in your being: this can be physical, energetic, emotional, of the mind, or of spirit.
We listen, we seek out the lost, the forgotten, and the hidden.
We remember, integrate and cultivate a deeper sense of being, and through these pathways, move towards a greater balance, deeper ease, and a sense of natural wellbeing.
In a nutshell, healing is the work or process of coming back into your natural balance, of coming home to yourself.
In healing sessions with me, we work and explore together in a space of deep and gentle awareness, with sensitivity and an approach that is trauma aware.
Single Sessions: 1.5 hours $165
2 hours $220
3 session healing packages:
3 x 1.5hour sessions $450
3 x 2 hour sessions $600
Choose your session or healing pack; you can book and pay here via the blue buttons above, and I will be in contact to organise your healing session time/s.
We can organise your time first up if you prefer, and then once you have completed payment you are fully booked.
The techniques and pratices I draw on in Healing & Mentoring sessions can include:
Vibrational Healing
Language of Light
Tantric Energy Balance Techniques
Tibetan Pulsing
Gong/Sound Baths
These techniques focus on sensing and bringing balance to the energetic layers of your being - just as you have a nervous system, you have an inner system of subtle energy flows.
These too can get out of sync, out of flow, sluggish and in states of disarray.
In our physical experience this plays out in experiences such as lack of or excess nervous energy, feeling out of balance or dis-empowered in life.
Stress, foggy mind, challenging emotions, repeated patterns of thought, emotion or illness can all be supported through subtle vibrational and energy work.
This in turn can be reflected and sensed through the experience of greater balance in your mental, emotion and even physical. Excellent for stress reduction, deep relaxation and mental clarity.
These are a group of practices that have been shared with and taught to me by my Shamanic Teacher. While I do not call myself a Shaman, I am able to share these techniques, and indeed I believe they are powerful tools for reconnecting with ourselves in these challenging and disconnected times.
The techniques that I have been taught and use include:
Soul Retrieval
Power Animal Retrieval
Angelic Shamanism
These practices work between the worlds, between the known and unknown, between what you might know as the real world and the dreamworlds/unreal realities.
These techniques are especially powerful for reclaiming lost parts of self and shifting deep psycho-emotional patterns.
They can effect healing/balance on physical and non-physical levels, through their influence on the energetic and other subtle realms of self or being.
Yogic Guidance & Tantric Numerology
Delve into yourself and explore the teachings of yoga, applying them to your life today.
Tantric numerology provides a clarifying blueprint of the psyche, your basic nature, while the more practically oriented yogic teachings can help you to apply them in your life in a way that is as unique as you are.
Sure, none of us got a guide book to ourselves but with these teachings, we have a great foundation that supports us as we learn to follow our inner wisdom confidently and build a life that we not only love, but one that nourishes and supports us, giving us a deep experience of ourselves and our world.
Explore the yogic teachings around how you and your world 'work' and influence each other, learn tools to more consciously engage and shift inhibiting patterns.
Dive into Self Knowledge and personal growth in ways that empower your unique Self.