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Vijnanamaya Kosha - Your Wisdom 'Body'

Yoga & Meditation series with Briellen McAlpine

Booking and prepayment required - click here for terms and conditions

Sunday Morning | 9.30-11am

TBC  2018





Tuesday Nights | 6.30-8pm

21, 28 November + 5, 12 December

@ The Social Space

21 Clifton St, Moorooka
$80 - booking & prepayment essential

click here for terms & conditions

Join me for a 4 week series of 1.5 hour yoga and meditation sessions that are designed to support you in exploring your inner self.

Explore and get better acquainted with your inner capacities -  such as confidence, body wisdom and intuition - via the vehicles of your body, mind and breath.

Vijnanamaya Kosha - your natural wisdom

Strengthen your sense of self.

Get to know more of who you are.

Engage with the power of your inner wisdom, intuition and the knowing in your body.


All you need lies within you.

Give yourself some time, time listen, experience and trust your inner knowing.
Connect to your inner guidance.

Through carefully selected yoga, meditation and breathing practices you will clear away doubts, fears and stressors that get in the way of listening to the messages, feedback, inspiration and intuition that are a natural part of being human.

Develop deeper trust in yourself, your body and your mind.

We won't be forgetting your body - after all it is the 'vehicle' if you like for perceiving/receiving information and doing/creating in the world - in fact honing your senses is an essential part of connecting with your inner wisdom and knowing.

Join us, and connect with your inner capacities,

Enhance your health and wellbeing,
be more relaxed in yourself,
take a step in trusting yourself.

Explore your personal depth and meaning.


4 Tuesday evenings.
Commencing 21 November.


Bookings essential. Call Brie (me) on 0422 963 207 with any questions.
Booking and prepayment required. Check Terms and Conditions below.

connect to your intuition,
embody a sense of inner knowing and self-trust

How will we do this??

Through these transformative techniques:

° SOMATIC EXPLORATION -  gently and softly re-engage with your body using its own language, nourish and reset a depleted nervous system, and restore musculature to native states

° PRANA YOGA, to build  health and wellbeing, connect with your bodies capacity and natural wisdom, nourish a healthier relationship with your body

° BREATHWORK to explore your possibilities, clarify and transform unhelpful thought patterns

° MEDITATION to clear your mind and awaken intuition - clear away the past, self limiting beliefs, doubts and inner fears

Come home to your Self, relax into your inner knowing, heal what needs healing,  and step into listening within over searching without. connect to calm knowing, breathe beyond outer distractions.

humble warrios
Mixed level classes - all welcome.
We will learn and use ways of moving and being safely and effectively in the bodies that we have, in the moment we are in, with increased awareness as our foundation and safe movement principles that honour the body as the technique.

Joining these classes feel confident that you are in good hands.

I bring 15 years of experience teaching & studying yoga to the mat, and love sharing my learning and explorations with you in a safe, inclusive, fun way.

Please contact me with any questions that you may have - CLICK HERE

Vijnanamaya Kosha - Your Wisdom Body

Prana Yoga & Meditation Series

Booking and prepayment required - click here for terms and conditions

Tuesday Nights | 6.30-8pm

21, 28 November + 5, 12 December

@ The Social Space

21 Clifton St, Moorooka
$80 - booking & prepayment essential

Sunday Morning | 9.30-11am

TBC 2018