What are you wired for??





Do you know what you are wired for??⁠

If your first experiences of life - your birth - didn't allow time for bonding and connecting with your mother, there is a good chance that you are set up with and living out a belief pattern that confuses states like disconnection and isolation with being connected and experiencing love.⁠

That might show up as sabotaging relationships when you get too close.⁠

Or isolating yourself and being afraid of even venturing near a real connection with another human - may be you like dogs/nature better, or people just don't get you.⁠

Sometimes, we think we are creating connection, but our subconscious patterns have us pushing others further away.

Some of us have a deeply rooted belief that we are different, that we don’t fit in, born out of a disordered nervous system and lack of bonding as an infant (it’s not the only way, but this is one way this could arise for us) - and your nervous system can heal.

Those embodied patterns can shift, when you have an embodied tool to shift it with.

However you are playing this out in your life, you can change it when you change the pattern of your breath that has been holding that birth imprint for you, reinforcing the belief, neural links and physical states that reinforce that same belief.⁠

It might feel like you, but it's not You.⁠
It may be your history, but it doesn't have to be your destiny.⁠

Are you ready to surrender and create some change for yourself?