story. what's your story?

i can tell your name by the writing on your face
(Thank you David Byrne. And I can tell a whole lot more from the nuances of your breath)

What’s the story morning glory
(yes, that’s indicative of my vintage)

Are you talking or listening?

Talking or breathing?

What would be different for you if you spent more time with your breath and less time talking.
Less time in (your) story? More time listening to the moment that you are actually living in?

What is your story?

The things you tell yourself about ‘you’ and the ‘world’. The tales you tell about the people, events and happenings of your life, the things that you believe to be true.
Things you “know” to be true, the things that happened to you and yours.
And you know why things happened the way they did and are the way they are: its '“because” of someone or something…. something they did, or something you know you did/do, the way you or ‘they’ are…. there is a reason, a story and it all adds up to ‘this is the story’.

The thing about stories is, they look good on paper. And that is where they belong, or perhaps around a campfire. Stories are not meant for living.

The thinking mind/ ego LOVES stories, in fact it in thrives on them and hides in them.

Stories look VERY good on paper. They can give reason and ‘make sense’, of things ( at least thats what seems to happen and what the thinking mind wants). Personally I love a really good story and a well written book.

But. Our stories are of our past.

Glorious to reflect on, but not what we want to be living NOW, right?

If ‘that moment’ was less than glorious, why would we really want to relive it ‘now’? Over, and over again?

If we don’t like what is showing up in our life in this moment (one thing, a few things or all the things, it doesn’t matter), isn’t it time for a new relationship to our stories? A new kind of story perhaps?
New stories that we create as we go over hashing out the past?
To start creating new possibilities and weaving our life with new words, ways and breaths - as we live it?

(choose your own adventure!)

Our world is in disarray at the least, and it’s not unreasonable to see it as crumbling before our eyes.

We can stick with the old stories and try to force new pieces into old misused boxes, genres and worn out pages.

Or we can look around and get curious,.
Discover anew what it is that we are living and calling a life, the world we are living in, who we are and how we are… and work from there.

You are choosing your life. You are choosing the stories. No one else has that power.

You Choose.





Your stories, until you liberate your Self from them are held on your breath, compelling you to stay in the story until the exact moment that you are ready to let it go. That exact moment when you choose to let it go, and your breath will shift and the story is released. I
f it seems to return, you are simply seeing the leaving - again you can choose, breathe and wish it a fond farewell or go back into that story, lament, hook in, be triggered and keep it for a little or a lot longer,

You choose. This IS your life.

Breathe and know that you are seeing is the result of the past. It is coming up, being seen and experienced (again!??!!) as a part of it’s going away. It’s not on repeat, unless you hook in and press that button.

Time to get off the story?
Let it go, if you so choose. Let it go, if You are ready to live a new life. Let it go if you are ready to free up your world.