vision quest [ accepted? ]



vision quest
vision test

[ how to traverse uncharted territory ]

right now, clarity is not a luxury many of us have.
what we might see, if we look with our vision
unhindered unfettered

what we might see then is that much of our vision is projection expectation deeply coloured by our past

we traverse fresh territory
crossing roads travelling paths we would have laughed at just a few short weeks ago

there is beauty
and trepidation
as we wonder what the futures may hold
what is even here now?

to navigate
understand that this moment creates the next
the present is the foundation for the future

what would you like your future to behold?

start here. now.

connect to things that matter
(matter and meaning are things we create through our choices)
celebrate the wins, the pleasures, the tiny joys of life
(tend to the things you are grateful for to create neural connections that support you in creating a life you love, rather than a life of mindless repetition)

enjoy the downtime
not to do new things. perhaps
so much as appreciate what is
to integrate what has gone before
and allow what Is
to be

it's the little things
that create the whole.


[ vision quest. accepted. ]