how do we find the answers.

by asking? seeking?

reading all the books. g o o g l i n g ?

or living the questions?

[ breathe and get curious with us this weekend -
next group breathe Sunday 26 July -
get the details here ]

are we diving forward

seeking perfection

getting it right, getting it done

giving it away or getting. you. some.

[ or do they find us? or? ]

my question:

Are we chasing a quick-fix fast-food life in our self discovery and spiritual lives as well as in daily life??

Perhaps we made a trade off.

Switched out the Macca’s, the gluten and the fast food, while we reached OUT for the next Guru/book/magic pill on the “fix-me” and enlightenment trains.

Live is a lived process.
Not a drive through.

And your life is like nobody else’s.

You are like no one else.

You don’t exist in a book. You don’t exist in an ashram, or in a vacuum.

There is no guide book.

YOU are an experience to live
a gift that you get to unfold
in your own time
in your own way

in the way that ONLY you can.

get curious.

reach in, reach out - and get to know ‘when’ you really need ‘which’.

(what’s the difference between reaching in and reaching out??)

Not because you know all the answers, but because curiosity didn’t really kill the cat, and it’s not too likely it will ‘get’ you either.

(would you rather a long constrained life of safety and meeting other peoples expectations, or a life you live and breathe with vibrance that is an expression of possibility)


why not

get curious
engage deeply with WHO YOU ARE
your breath. your body. your mind. your inner world.

not to get all the right answers,

not to

to experience
the joy
the wonder
the possibilities
that are LIFE

a curious cure for what ails us perhaps?

breathe and get curious with us this weekend - next group breathe Sunday 26 July - get the details here