Being here, Now being You.

How are You, really, right now?
How is your heart?

this is an invitation
to take the next few moments to be deeply,
present with yourself.

to feel and honour where you are at
right now
no need to change anything
no right or wrong


feel what it is to be you
in this moment
breathe into the many feelings that are arising,
that are coming to be and passing away

notice all that is moving through you
describing you to you
generating your experience

welcome it all
welcome all of you
just for this moment

yourself to be

feel how it feels to be you
in this
in each

It's easy to think we weren't made for these times, that we didn't sign up for this kind of life - whether we are talking our jobs, our relationships, our family, or global pandemics, politics, war and climate change.

These things are more similar than we like to imagine, and more interconnected too.

[ breathe and feel You ]

It doesn't matter what we signed up for.
This is the moment on this planet that we are living in.
Ignoring it is not going to make it going away. It's hard, and, looking the other way is also not going to change a thing.
Day dreaming, spiritual journeys, plant medicine, nights out binge drinking or smashing it out on your bicycle (replace freely with your sport or form of exercise of choice) or all the cigarettes and chakra healing you can muster aren't going to change where you are or the true order of the (your) day.

Take a breath - a simple natural breath that you are aware that you are taking. Nothing fancy. Simply Breathe, with awareness that you are breathing.

Drop into this moment.
Into You.

Practising being you will change things.
Experiencing you, on the breath as I have just guided you (doesn't have to be word for word at all, get the feeling...)

Even while the curve balls keep coming.
Even if you aren't aware of the balls.

we only seek control where we feel out of control
we seek power where we feel that we don't have power
we go into fear when we fear there is not enough love for us
we reject what we reject in ourselves.

This we see in our world. It seems normal. It is not. And it is not the only way.
Turn off the news, reduce or get off social media - be more aware of what you are ingesting in an information and emotional sense, it is not the only 'food' we digest.

Open to the idea of accepting all that is for you, right now.
You don't need to anything about any of it, especially not right now.

accept feeling powerless, so you can experience all the power that you have
accept your fears, so you can experience the love you yearn for
accept feeling out of control, so you can tap into the influence that you have.

..and so on..this is a sample, not all the options :)

If there is something for you to 'do', and you are in your body, it will come about quite naturally, the more present you are, and at the necessary moment.
We could call this WuWei - to do with out doing, and everything gets done.

When we stop running away, hiding, distracting, controlling, dissociating - from the parts of ourselves, gradually, tenderly - we learn to be present in the world in the same way - this is what " be here now" is really about.

Being in your body. Being in the world. Right. Now.

You aren't living your past, and you can't live in the future (unless you've got a Delorean), living in the now and making choices in this moment gives you the building blocks for the future you dream of.

It can feel hard. Really hard. You don't have to do it alone.
Find the people and the practices that support you and be present with you in an endeavour like this.

The deeper truth is its easier to be here now - it takes less energy, and opens up an expansive creative space.


it is the expansive present.
Heart space. Rumi's field "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing".

And if you are tolerating things you don't really have time or the heart space for, and or being intolerant of what 'is'... you're in a kind of lockdown of your own making.

Take a breath - a simple natural breath that you are aware that you are taking. Nothing fancy. Simply Breathe, with awareness that you are breathing.

Drop into this moment.
Into You.
Freely. Free. Alive. Expansive.

If you would like to join us in uncovering your own experience of 'now' and 'you' - explore my yoga classes, join a breathwork session or even book yourself in for a one-on-one session.

Nothing beats conscious connected breathwork for present moment awareness in my book, although rolling around in our bodies in yoga class gets pretty close. I deliberately orient my yoga classes to present moment awareness of you in your body, aka embodiment.

Both are a great holiday from being stuck in your head, deep medicine for your nervous system and serve to gently yet strongly, drop you right into You.

We don't worry about getting things 'right", and we love ourselves through the messy bits, finding the courage to face up to what Is.

All my classes, workshops and private sessions exist to offer you tools and practices that help you to cultivate deep presence, in the Now:

- process & integrate trauma, overwhelm and emotions (
these are past/future oriented and pull us out of 'now' if we haven't yet been able to process them)
- rewire your brain - release old and dysfunctional 'programs'
- reconnect to higher mind functions/ clearer thinking and decision making capacities - this is 'now' i your brain
- rebalance your nervous system, and importantly support greater nervous system resilience ( the ability to adapt to changing situations)
- bring you more into the present moment, supporting you in dealing with Your current situations and emotions,

Sunday morning yoga starts back this weekend,
Our next Breathwork Intro workshop is at the end of April (only 4 spots left)
Private sessions are available Wed - Sun
..all include complimentary relaxing farm vibes.

All you need to do is book, and show up - ease and relaxation is right there, on every breath, you deserve to experience it.

And that is a gift that only you can give yourself.
It's time for some receiving.

with ease, presence & farmy-good feels
Brie x