What Are We Actually Breathing??

and while we are there, what is actually happening when we breathe??

A wonderful scientist by the name of Gerard Pollack, has published his work on the Fourth Phase of Water, EZ water/ structured water, his studies cover the electric charge of water (everything is electrically charged, either positive or negative) and how these charges create magnetism and flow, as well as potentially changing the state of things like water.
We have also learnt that the heart is not a pump from Rudolph Steiner, currently worked with and talked about by Dr Tom Cowan (GP, follow the link for more info on this).

The following is paraphrased from a webinar Tom did about breathing -Do we breathe oxygen - click to listen to the whole thing if you want more detail.

There are three membranes that separate the alveolar sacks in the lungs from the blood.

There are smaller gas molecules than oxygen, and these membranes can't discriminate between them.

So even when you measure haemoglobin to see how oxygenated it is, you think you're measuring oxygen but you're actually measuring the configuration of the haemoglobin, which changes depending on the charge that the haemoglobin is exposed to.

This whole thing is a reflection of electromagnetism, not the diffusion of a gas.

The oxygen seems to be what we call a charge donor. The haemoglobin picks up the charge, changes its configuration, and then you interpret that as it's picked up oxygen.

(side note: There are also questions coming up about the existence of O2/oxygen, it is something we can make in a lab, but does it occur naturally is another question that is now being asked).

There is no gas oxygen in there (the blood). It couldn't have possibly been diffused, it's just that there was a charge donation and that is what actually runs the process.

They've actually taken dogs, they've drained all the blood out of them, and replaced it with isotonic ketone plasma, which has no oxygen, and no way to carry the oxygen, but is full of charge.

The dog was not only fine, but was better.

What that tells you is that the important thing that was being used in the blood is not a gas called oxygen, but a charge.

… our blood moves as a result of the magnetism created through electric charge, and we breathe electricity!

This might give us some insight as to why a BIG breath, getting more air or oxygen in - is not necessarily the best breath, and we can forget or at least set aside the good old “breathe in O2/ oxygen and breathe out CO2/carbon dioxide”. It is well time for some new life enhancing paradigms…..

As for the Bohr effect i.e CO2 levels triggering our inhale, it just might be something else, yet to be understood, but perhaps its about magnetism and electricity…
This doesn’t seem to change the likely ‘fact’ that your body will take care of your breathing if we just get out of the way….you dont have to think about breathing or breathing out, but you can think about it and manipulate (usually this means we control, disrupt or interrupt) this beautiful natural process.

What we invite you back to with our Radical Embodied Breathwork practise is your own natural breath, unravelling the patterns we have acquired and accumulated and letting things flow - this is a subtle yet HUGE point of difference from most things people are calling ‘breathwork”, we probably should just call it breathing and it is why we call it ‘Radical Embodied Breathwork’.

want to learn and experience more?

private session info is HERE

our next Introductory workshop (29 March) is HERE