You are already breathing - check! So why would you come to see me or join one of my workshops?
Because you are ready to be gently and compassionately seen like you’ve never been seen before.
There are a whole lot of options, workshops, practices, tools and more out there for you to dive into in regards to Breathwork, personal growth, self healing and the like… and while Rebirthing Breathwork is available to anybody that breathes, not everyone will like it and not everyone will like me.
I’m not into forcing, strong adrenaline pumping practices, getting hyped up, or using other substances to elicit states via an external source.
We have it all within us. When we can access it from within, we cant lose it and we don’t depend on anyone else for it. That is true power and freedom. This is what I aim to help you find, your own treasure, your own inner gold.
[ I’m not going to to talk about the Rebirthing Breathwork technique here - you can check some of my other blogs for that, but rather what might make me a good or bad fit for you and where you are at. ]
If you aren’t ready to step outside of what you currently know about yourself, then you probably aren’t quite ready for this.
If you are ready to throw it all up in the air and see what is there, then we are right on target.
If you aren’t ready to look behind a thought/fear/belief or two, then we might not be a good fit.
If you aren’t ready to commit to yourself and step into your Response-ability, then it may not be the right time, but if you would like support in getting to that place we can get started!
Rebirthing with me, we don’t mix in a whole lot of stuff - more stuff means more places for the ego to grab hold. That’s just more work for you.
And, if we are doing * all the things* there are a couple of big things to consider.
First, we probably aren’t doing any of them fully; second we are probably pandering more to our ego than anything else, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
The Ego and our inner patterns and habits are very very tricky, they will also do EVERYTHING to stay in place…. which means nothing changes and you keep repeating the same old same old, except maybe now its dressed up in pomp and ceremony, confused by *all the things *, and perhaps a good sense of ego appeasing achievement from *doing all the things*.
So no, I’m not going to run a midnight full moon cacao ceremony with goats - gong - rebirthing and kundalini awakening sweat lodge plus firewalk chaser.
We are going to keep it pretty simple, with a few carefully selected processing techniques when appropriate, and trust our breath and the technique as our teacher, healer and guide.
We are not going to embark on big imaginal journeys, trip over to other realms or alternatestreams of consciousness. You are already a multidimensional being, but most of us aren’t very in our bodies, in fact we invest a lot in escaping them. You will have the opportunity to experience the vast, unlimited realms of You. In your body, with expanded awareness and deep understanding that goes beyond what he thinking mind/Ego can even imagine.
So I support you in getting into your body, cultivating safety and ease right there. Get ready to surrender into gently accepting yourself as you are, right now. There is no need to get better at anything before you begin, you are already here. You are enough, even if you don’t feel it.
I hope to help you to LIVE that, not because I tell you, or even because you believe it - I support you to live it because you can’t do anything else, because you feel it in every cell.
You don’t need to get more spiritual - you are already as spiritual as you need to be. The spiritual parts of you are a given, just like your body and have a mind…. There is nothing to open, and this work will shift relationships within yourself so things may shift, and this will happen organically, there is nothing for you to ‘do’.
doing is of the mind, and your ego, so we keep it simple and do less , finding ourselves more in the experience of being who we are
I hold a space of deep acceptance and integrity, to support you in self compassion while you open to seeing you as you are. Warts and all. A lot of those warts wont be warts at all.
I do the work myself - I am a fully trained Rebirthing Breathworker, and I still connect with my Rebirther regularly, as well as Rebirthing myself a few times a week. I cant hold space for you if I don’t hold space for me.
I am a fully qualified Rebirthing Breathworker, as well as Yoga Teacher and Trainer. I’ve been specializing in Rebirthing Breathwork for over 4 years now, and have worked hundreds of clients though workshops, 10 Session series and beyond. I regularly see incredible growth and shifts, the most exciting usually being the ones we don’t even know we want/need when we get started, because our ego and fears have been keeping them locked away (and our habitual-cultural pushing type approaches simply send them scurrying deeper and deeper…).
I truely love this work for what it gives people, for what you can give yourself.
Prior to stumbling into Rebirthing breathwork, I spent 15 years teaching yoga and specialising in Kundalini Yoga, which means I have been working with the breath and teaching people how to breathe for about 20 years now. I have been supporting people on their journeys for that time as well. This has taught me a lot. I have learnt that most of what I was originally taught was far from the best information.
I constantly study, practice and learn to ensure that I am giving you the best support and current knowledge, I stay trauma informed as well as on top of current global and cultural issues. We need to know the territory and it is interpersonal as well as personal.
Within all that, I’m not into breathwork because it’s all of a sudden popular, although it certainly should be popular!
I’m here because I love it, and live the value of this practice. I teach and support you beyond dogma and fads, getting right to the heart of things, right to the heart of you, like you’ve never seen yourself before.
This is bliss.
If you would like to get started, join my next Breathwork Intro (march 28) Workshop or get jump in with one-on-one sessions, even joining a yoga class with me will begin the journey of being more in your body and getting a sense of the space I hold.
#breathwork #selfhealing #beyou #radicalselfacceptance #trauma #integration #selfhealing